Over the last few decades, the threat of mold growth in homes has gained increased attention. Mold can cause major damage to the structure of your home, and even worse, it can make your family members ill.

Though mold is sometimes easy to spot on your ceiling or walls, it is unfortunately sometimes nearly impossible to identify without professional assistance. Mold can grow inside walls, in crawl spaces, and other areas where you may not be able to see it. However, mold does usually leave behind signs that you can look out for.

Signs of mold growth

Here are some signs to look for that might indicate mold growth in your home:

Health problems caused by mold

Not every kind of mold is dangerous, and some people won’t have any reaction to even the more dangerous kinds of growth. However, if anyone in your home has been feeling inexplicably ill or fatigued, that’s a good sign you may have a mold problem. Here are some of the symptoms of mold exposure:

Mold growth in your home can be a real danger, so you’ll want to get any growth taken care of as soon as possible. Fortunately, your Panhandle mold remediation specialists can take care of the problem once and for all!